UNIT- I Introduction: Computer systems, Hardware & software concepts.
Problem Solving: Algorithm / pseudo code, flowchart, program development steps, Computer Languages: machine,symbolic, and high -level languages, Creating and running programs: Writing, editing, compiling, linking, and executing.
Basics of C: Structure of a C program, identifiers, basic data types and sizes. Constants, variables, arithmetic,relational and logical operators, increment and decrement operators, conditional operator, assignment operators,
expressions, type conversions, conditional expressions, precedence and order of evaluation, Sample programs.
UNIT-II Bit-wise Operators: logical, shift, rotation, masks. Selection – Making Decisions: Two - way selection: if - else, null else, nested-if, examples, Multi- way selection:switch, else-if, examples. Strings: concepts, C strings. Iterative: Loops -while, do-while and for statements, break, continue, initialization and updating, event and countercontrolled loops, looping applications: Summation, powers, smallest and largest.
UNIT- III Arrays: Arrays-concepts, declaration, definition, accessing elements, storing elements, Strings and stringmanipulations, 1-D arrays, 2-D arrays and character arrays, string manipulations, multidimensional arrays, arrayapplications: Matrix Operations, checking the symmetricity of a Matrix. Functions -Modular programming: Function basics, parameter passing, storage classes (extern, auto, register, static), scope rules, block structure, user defined functions, standard library functions, recursive functions. Recursivesolutions for Fibonacci series and Towers of Hanoi. Header files, C pre-processor. Examples C programs onPassing 1-D arrays and 2-D arrays to functions.
UNIT-IV Pointers: Pointers concepts, initialization of pointer variables, pointers and function arguments, passing by address – dangling memory, address arithmetic, Character pointers and functions, pointers to pointers, pointers andmultidimensional arrays, dynamic memory management functions, command line arguments.
UNIT-V Enumerated, Structure and Union: Derived types – structures, structure declaration, definition and initialization ofstructures, accessing structures, nested structures, arrays of structures, structures and functions, pointers tostructures, self referential structures, unions, typedef, bit-fields, program applications. File Handling: Input and output – concept of a file, text files and binary files, Formatted I/O, file I/O operations,example programs.
List of Experiments:
UNIT-II Bit-wise Operators: logical, shift, rotation, masks. Selection – Making Decisions: Two - way selection: if - else, null else, nested-if, examples, Multi- way selection:switch, else-if, examples. Strings: concepts, C strings. Iterative: Loops -while, do-while and for statements, break, continue, initialization and updating, event and countercontrolled loops, looping applications: Summation, powers, smallest and largest.
UNIT- III Arrays: Arrays-concepts, declaration, definition, accessing elements, storing elements, Strings and stringmanipulations, 1-D arrays, 2-D arrays and character arrays, string manipulations, multidimensional arrays, arrayapplications: Matrix Operations, checking the symmetricity of a Matrix. Functions -Modular programming: Function basics, parameter passing, storage classes (extern, auto, register, static), scope rules, block structure, user defined functions, standard library functions, recursive functions. Recursivesolutions for Fibonacci series and Towers of Hanoi. Header files, C pre-processor. Examples C programs onPassing 1-D arrays and 2-D arrays to functions.
UNIT-IV Pointers: Pointers concepts, initialization of pointer variables, pointers and function arguments, passing by address – dangling memory, address arithmetic, Character pointers and functions, pointers to pointers, pointers andmultidimensional arrays, dynamic memory management functions, command line arguments.
UNIT-V Enumerated, Structure and Union: Derived types – structures, structure declaration, definition and initialization ofstructures, accessing structures, nested structures, arrays of structures, structures and functions, pointers tostructures, self referential structures, unions, typedef, bit-fields, program applications. File Handling: Input and output – concept of a file, text files and binary files, Formatted I/O, file I/O operations,example programs.
List of Experiments:
- Write a C program to take the radius of a sphere as input and print the volume and surface area of that sphere.
- Write a C program to take a 5-digit number as input and calculate the sum of its digits.
- Write a C program to take three sides of a triangle as input and verify whether the triangle is an isosceles, scalene or an equilateral triangle.
- Write a C program that will take 3 positive integers as input and verify whether they form a Pythagorean triplet or not.
- Write a C program to print all prime numbers between a given range of numbers.
- Write a C program to define a function that will take an integer as argument and return the sum of digits of that integer
- Write a C program to define a macro that can calculate the greater of two of its arguments. Use this macro to calculate the greatest of 4 integers.
- Write a C program to define a recursive function that will print the reverse of its integer argument.
- Write a C program to print the sum of first N even numbers using recursive function.
- Write a C program to sort an array using Bubble sort technique.
- Write a C program that will take the elements of two integer arrays of 5 element each, and insert the common elements of both the array into a third array (Set intersection)
- Write a C program to take 5 names as input and print the longest name.
- Write a C program to define a structure Student that will contain the roll number, name and total marks of a student The program will ask the user to input the details of 5 students and print the details of all the students whose total marks is greater than a given value.
- Write a C program to define a union Contact that will contain the members Mobile no and E-mail id. Now define a structure Employee that will contain name, UID,PhNo, emailId and a variable of type Contact as members. The program will ask the user to give the details of five Employees including contact details. Print the details of all the Employees.
- Write a C program that will ask the user to input a file name and copy the contents of that file into another file.
- Write a C program that will take any number of integers from the command line as argument and print the sum of all those integers.
- Write a C program to process sequential file for payroll data.
- Write a C program to process random file of library data
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